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Job Ready Solutions JRP Agents Job Ready Program Support
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Welcome to
Job Ready Solutions

Your trusted Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA)

and Job Ready Program (JRP) experts.

If you have the job, we take care of the rest

What We Do

Job Ready Solutions offers Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) and Job Ready Program (JRP) services for all trades doing these programs.


We act as your agent/representative throughout both programs ensuring you receive a Successful Skills Assessment Outcome at the end of the Job Ready Program (JRP).

Some of the trades we work with:


Click to find out!

Do I need a Job Ready Program (JRP) Agent?

Yes, we recommend you work with a Job Ready Program Agent. By working with an expert JRP Agent, you will complete your program faster, with less delays holding back your progress.

Here are some other pros to working with professionals:

  1. We have access to the most current documents from TRA, meaning you won't waste time uploading out-of-date documents that need to be fixed.

  2. We have the most up-to-date data on exact wait times at each stage of the program.

  3.  We specialise in the Job Ready Program. Unlike a migration agent whose main focus is on migration and visas, our full focus is on you and your JRP timeline.

  4. We can expedite your file with TRA and speed up the process at certain stages if you are running out of visa time.

  5. We can answer any/all questions about the Job Ready Program pathway and whether it's right for you.

The Job Ready Solutions

The Job Ready Solutions Blog provides you with the most up to date information regarding:

How long do I have to complete the Job Ready Program?

Can I work Part-Time or Casual for Job Ready Program?

Our Client Reviews

Sempathi - Chef

The team at Job Ready Solutions took over my program from a previous agent and really helped me get back on track. They really supported me through the whole process and helped me complete all the required documents and with the workplace assessment. I would highly recommend them to anyone who wants to start the Job Ready Program.

Need help?
DM us on Facebook to get started


Job Ready Solutions

Unit A11

2A Westall Road

Clayton 3168 VIC

(03) 9108 4831

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