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The Job Ready Program Pathway

The Job Ready Program (JRP) pathway is a Skills Assessment of Australian qualifications and employment in Australian workplaces. 

From Studies to Skills Assessment

Studies to Skills Assessment.png

Before Starting the Job Ready Program (JRP)

The Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA)

The Basics:

Once you complete your Australian studies, you can apply for the Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) as long as your occupation appears on this list.


All the Information:

The Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) by Trades Recognition Australia is a pre-requisite for the Job Ready Program (JRP). It is for recent international graduates with an Australian qualification who are planning to apply for a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485). When you receive a successful outcome letter, you can apply to Home Affairs for a Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) and participate in the Job Ready Program (JRP).


Before applying for the Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA), ensure that your nominated occupation is appropriate for the Job Ready Program (JRP) pathway.


Your Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) (or JRPRE) outcome is valid for 3 years from date of issue. If it expires, you will need to reapply for the Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA). 


As your Agent:

  • We fully take care of your Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) process as your agent/representative and ensure a successful outcome.

  • Ensure your application is Decision Ready as TRA will not accept applications otherwise.

  • Resolve any issues that arise.

  • Communicate directly with TRA on your behalf to solve any issues.

What visa can I do the Job Ready Program (JRP) on?

Job Ready Program (JRP) - Step 1

Job Ready Employment (JRE)

The Basics:

Once you have a successful Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA), you can apply for the Job Ready Program. In the first step, you need to work 863 hours and a minimum of 6 months.


All the Information:

Job Ready Employment (JRE) is the first step of the Job Ready Program (JRP) by Trades Recognition Australia. It requires a successful Provisional Skills Assessment (or JRPRE) outcome and for you to nominate an occupation on the skilled occupation list.


The JRE step takes at least 6 months (working full-time hours) from your JRE start date. More simply; working 863 hours over a minumum of 6 months. The focus of Step 1 is for you to develop your skills in your chosen occupation and ability to work in an Australian workplace.


You can work Full-Time, Part-Time or Casual for your Job Ready Program (JRP) hours. If you work less than 38 hours per week, it will take you longer to complete the Job Ready Program (JRP).


As your Agent:

  • ​We complete your required documents and online application to a high standard and ensure your prior employment is valid and counted.

  • We register any new employers and complete the correct paperwork to finalise previous employers.

  • We keep careful track of your progress and upload your payslips and supporting documents at the right time for your program.

  • We ensure you are eligible for the Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA) and receive an invitation to apply.

How long do I have to complete the Job Ready Program?

Job Ready Program (JRP) - Step 2

Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA)

The Basics:

An assessor comes to your workplace (or online if in remote location) to assess the skills on the EVR and SPR of your chosen occupation. Your supervisor must be present for the assessment. It takes approximately 2 hours.


All the Information:

Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA) is the second step of the Job Ready Program (JRP) by Trades Recognition Australia. To be eligible for this step, Trades Recognition Australia will:

  • Verify your employment arrangements.

  • Assess your pay evidence and documentation.

  • Invite you to apply for the Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA).


You are assigned an assessor from a TRA-approved RTO and assessed on your ability to work safely, perform tasks, follow directions and plan work at the required skill level relevant to your nominated occupation in your workplace.​


As your Agent:

  • We provide our clients with a full setup leading up to the assessment including what to expect and sample areas to revise for.

  • Provide an accurate timeline of processing times for application, assessment and outcome.

Can I work Part-Time or Casual for Job Ready Program?

Job Ready Program (JRP) - Step 3

Job Ready Final Assessment (JRFA)

The Basics:

Once you complete 1725 hours and 12 months of work, you can apply to receive a Skills Assessment and finish the Job Ready Program. 


All the Information:

Job Ready Final Assessment (JRFA) is the third and final step of the Job Ready Program (JRP) by Trades Recognition Australia. You are eligible once you have a successful JRWA outcome and have completed a minimum of 12 months full-time equivalent paid employment or more simply; working 1725 hours over a minimum of 12 months.


Once you receive a successful skills assessment outcome you can apply to Home Affairs for a skilled visa.


As your Agent:

  • We ensure that all required documentation is filled and submitted and you have fulfilled the required hours to be eligible for the JRFA.

  • Provide an accurate timeline of processing times for application, assessment and outcome.

  • Recommend you to reputable migration agents that we work with to process your skilled visa application.

How many employers can I have for the Job Ready Program (JRP)?

Your Journey with Us (1).png

Your Journey with Job Ready Solutions

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Job Ready Solutions

Unit A11

2A Westall Road

Clayton 3168 VIC


(03) 9108 4831

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